Monday, May 30, 2005

There's no other store like...

Has anyone else noticed how strange the woman's voice is on the DJ's ads at the moment? She has this truly weird-arse accent thing going on, kinda half Lillian Frank, half Kath'n'Kim, that someone in the ad agency must reckon reverebates with "class" and "quality" and "cardigans and velvet slippers", but it's just so very wrong. Particularly as Dimmeys and Forges, long the Bastion of the Bargain, seem to have hired the same voice talent...


mj said...

I'm proud to say that I haven't seen either ads'! That probably means that I've spent too much time: 9a)watching ABC and SBS or (b) ensconsed in the wide, wonderful blogosphere.

Which of the two nerd-boxes is worse I wonder?


Anonymous said...

The DJs woman is horrendous. Not only is her voice bowel-churningly awful, but she mispronounces Ralph Lauren, which is really bad for a shop that prides itself on snobbery.

skander said...

She mispronounces everything. I think it's so strange they chose this voice talent.

It's like those weird-arse eagle-looking (as opposed to aquiline) people the NAB chose for their gimmick-card promotions. They still creep me out.

And I haven't even strated on the "Blondes, defend your blonde" ad