Monday, February 14, 2005

Come fly with me

Fluffy came across this nifty little world map, visited countries generator thing. And like her, it's made me realise that there is a whole ship-load of countries out there that have not yet been graced by my presence. And they don't know what they're missing out on. Well, not yet, anyway.

So, after a Friday and a Sunday evening talking about it, we're going to try to marshall some funds and get hopping over to NYC for this wedding we've been invited too. We've heard there are some airfares going for about $1,000 around, which doesn't seem to bad. And it's what the missus wants—I can't let her down after only 3 months of marriage. We might even be able to do a day trip to Canada so I can fill that part of my map in.

My favourite painting in the world is in the MoMA in New York. And I'd be very happy whiling away half a dayin front of The City Rises by Umberto Boccioni

The best part about all this, and particularly once I have acquiesced and we have been, is that there are a couple more functions we've been invited to in various parts fo the globe. So while she wants the New York City wedding, I'm personally more keen on the Brazilian one in January. And while we're there, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, and even Colombia, perhaps. Which is the one continent yet to have been tarred by my brush, if I can put it that way. Bring on the red pixels, I say.

Further down the track, we've both agreed that the Iran-Syria odyssey is on the cards for sometime in the year after that, hopefully before Georgie-boy gets there. Or Johnny starts making stupid fucking racist fearmongering belligerent calls about the place (too late!). You see, my grandfather gave me a travel diary long ago. It only had one entry in it: Isfahan. In the north of Iran. So I want to witness what he saw and wrote about. Before moving on to other parts of the Med I've been storing up, like Palymra and Craq des Chevaliers.

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