Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Grammar Nazi

I hear these two all the bloody time:

"There are incidences of this sort of anti-social behaviour occurring all the time." It's incidents not incidences.
"I'm obligated to do visit my parent in the nursing home." No the fuck you're not, you're obliged to do it, and it is an obligation to visit them, but you are not obligated to do it. Or anything else for that matter.

I think I'm fighting a losing war on the second one.


Riza said...

The one that always gets on my goat at work is people saying linkages. What the fuck is wrong with just saying links?

Riza said...

Hey tosser, according to the Macquarie 3rd edn, getting on one's goat is perfectly acceptable.

Unless you get on one's goat by using bad grammar. Then it's not.

skander said...

Touché Riza. Nice work.

LadyCracker said...

hmmmm I sense some confliction here......

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is all very conflictive indeed....

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